yasumi with RoR..

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Assalamualaikum wbrt..

          Yasumi.. that you heard this kind of word before.? Yasumi  is Japanese language that means holiday.. Usually when we said about holiday it’s time to relaxing ourselves from work that we do for the whole week, but it doesn’t happen to me last weekend.. L I have attended Ruby on Rails (RoR) course.. And this goanna be happen to me for five coming week.. J  Honestly,  it is interesting to learn something new, learn something that i have never know before.. 

        Did you heard about this hadith before.? I’m pretty sure that all of you have heard about it and make sure we obey.. J

        But it is different from my BEL442 lecturer said “The more I learn, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The more I forget, the less I know. So, why study (Sir Kamal, 2012).” Hee~.. I'm sure he just make a joke, so don’t make it serious.. Hee~..

         So, what just I’m learning from that program.. En Azrul (The Trainer) told us that before he goanna to lecture us about Ruby we need to master HTML, CSS, JQuery and database design.. That why for the hold Saturday we just refresh about it.. Alhamdulillah I have basic about it and make me ready to learn RoR.. 
       For the next day En Azrul briefly explain about  MVC, server, port, aptana, putty, GIT and bitnami rubystack.. It sound weird right.. Maybe, next entry I will share with you about that.. So make sure you don’t miss my next Entry..


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